This page provides postcode data for the E00118008 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 129 households with a population of about 306 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO21 1TT | 50.993493 | -1.318769 | 447906 | 121787 | SU479217 | Yes |
SO21 1TU | 50.992529 | -1.319908 | 447827 | 121679 | SU478216 | Yes |
SO21 1TX | 50.993253 | -1.319128 | 447881 | 121760 | SU478217 | Yes |
SO21 1TY | 50.993374 | -1.319939 | 447824 | 121773 | SU478217 | Yes |
SO21 1TZ | 50.994374 | -1.320281 | 447799 | 121884 | SU477218 | Yes |
SO21 1UA | 50.99422 | -1.318416 | 447930 | 121868 | SU479218 | Yes |
SO21 1UB | 50.993315 | -1.317475 | 447997 | 121768 | SU479217 | Yes |
SO21 1UE | 50.99298 | -1.317009 | 448030 | 121731 | SU480217 | Yes |
SO21 1UH | 50.992343 | -1.3188 | 447905 | 121659 | SU479216 | Yes |
SO21 1UJ | 50.99461 | -1.319109 | 447881 | 121911 | SU478219 | Yes |
SO21 1UP | 50.99221 | -1.320668 | 447774 | 121643 | SU477216 | Yes |