This page provides postcode data for the Cannock Chase 012E Lower layer Super Output Area (LSOA) (2011). Cannock Chase 012E contains approximately 650 households with a population of about 1,360 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
WS11 1EG | 52.683264 | -2.047375 | 396894 | 309509 | SJ968095 | Yes |
WS11 1EZ | 52.683993 | -2.046651 | 396943 | 309590 | SJ969095 | Yes |
WS11 1GB | 52.684318 | -2.047841 | 396863 | 309626 | SJ968096 | Yes |
WS11 1NR | 52.685838 | -2.044618 | 397081 | 309795 | SJ970097 | Yes |
WS11 1NS | 52.685469 | -2.046171 | 396976 | 309754 | SJ969097 | Yes |
WS11 1NT | 52.684571 | -2.044883 | 397063 | 309654 | SJ970096 | Yes |
WS11 1NU | 52.684875 | -2.043605 | 397149 | 309688 | SJ971096 | Yes |
WS11 1PB | 52.682654 | -2.046295 | 396967 | 309441 | SJ969094 | Yes |
WS11 1PE | 52.684182 | -2.045645 | 397011 | 309611 | SJ970096 | Yes |
WS11 1PF | 52.685288 | -2.047916 | 396858 | 309734 | SJ968097 | Yes |
WS11 1PG | 52.685907 | -2.047704 | 396872 | 309803 | SJ968098 | Yes |
WS11 1PH | 52.683949 | -2.048477 | 396820 | 309585 | SJ968095 | Yes |
WS11 1PJ | 52.683885 | -2.047006 | 396919 | 309578 | SJ969095 | Yes |
WS11 1PL | 52.683555 | -2.045296 | 397035 | 309541 | SJ970095 | Yes |
WS11 1PN | 52.683716 | -2.046199 | 396974 | 309559 | SJ969095 | Yes |
WS11 1PP | 52.682799 | -2.04602 | 396986 | 309457 | SJ969094 | Yes |
WS11 1PQ | 52.685316 | -2.047369 | 396895 | 309737 | SJ968097 | Yes |
WS11 1PR | 52.682816 | -2.047618 | 396878 | 309459 | SJ968094 | Yes |
WS11 1PS | 52.68199 | -2.046345 | 396964 | 309367 | SJ969093 | Yes |
WS11 1PU | 52.68136 | -2.047927 | 396857 | 309297 | SJ968092 | Yes |
WS11 1PW | 52.682935 | -2.044364 | 397098 | 309472 | SJ970094 | Yes |
WS11 1PY | 52.683931 | -2.048906 | 396791 | 309583 | SJ967095 | Yes |
WS11 1PZ | 52.685252 | -2.049647 | 396741 | 309730 | SJ967097 | Yes |
WS11 1QU | 52.681485 | -2.045376 | 397029 | 309311 | SJ970093 | Yes |
WS11 1QX | 52.682251 | -2.044895 | 397062 | 309396 | SJ970093 | Yes |
WS11 1SJ | 52.680288 | -2.049679 | 396738 | 309178 | SJ967091 | Yes |
WS11 1TS | 52.684856 | -2.049188 | 396772 | 309686 | SJ967096 | Yes |